„Learning about the brain, about our behavior and the ways, we relate to one another – I think that’s the most important direction we can take in the next twenty years, basically to begin to understand ourselves.“
Neil Armstrong, 1976
Robert Schroeder looks back at 35 years and 15.000 flying-hours as an airline pilot. He retired in the summer of 2021 as check- and training-captain on Lufthansa´s Airbus A-350 long-haul fleet.
For more than twenty years, he also worked as an accident investigator, authored fundamental essays on flight-safety and was an auditor for airline safety assessments.
During my flying career I have learned a lot about flying, but even more about the human being – and myself.
For more than fifteen years I have been sharing my experience with others, by successfully giving talks to a variety of industries and institutions:
„Robert Schroeder gets to the heart of the matter: the „human factor“ is the crucial element of success for any company. He knows, what he is talking about and does so in an exciting and convincing way: as a pilot he is no stranger to stress, he is knowledgeable about team-dynamics and knows how to deal with human strength and weakness.
Robert Schroeder fills a gap, left in management trainings.“
Dr. Christoph Lamby
Member of the board R+V Versicherung AG
„Robert‘s presentations are expertly delivered, and are deeply thought provoking on the impact that the understanding of the principles of human interaction not only has on major accident hazard management but also on the overall probability of success of any organization.“
David King
Ex-Vice President Upstream HSE at BP
„Robert Schroeder has given a multitude of talks at our institution over the course of several years, that have fascinated and impressed us without exception. Above all, his thoughts have influenced our everyday business and the way that we interact, in a positive way.“
Professor Dr. Ralf-Ingo Ernestus,
Head of Wuerzburg University Neurosurgical Clinic and Polyclinic
Having retired from professional flying in July 2021, I feel that the time has come for me, to pass on what air and space has taught us about ourselves as human beings. I want to give you the story, not abstract theory.
„Share Your Experience, not the Theory“
Robert Schroeder
„To always be aware that suddenly and unexpectedly we may find ourselves in a role where our performance has ultimate consequences“
From „Foundations of Mission Operations“ – NASA, Johnson Space Center, Houston
„Learning about the brain, about our behavior and the ways, we relate to one another – I think that’s the most important direction we can take in the next twenty years, basically to begin to understand ourselves.“
Neil Armstrong, 1976
„If you try to change human behavior by teaching abstract theory, you train that part of the brain, which in the heat of the moment is only available in very limited way“
„We do not implement a team out of democratic consideration but rather because we expect it to perform better than a single individual.“
„The integrity of a leader is not derived from the fantasy of an all-encompassing and flawless competence but from traits like realistic competence, determination, dedication and the capability to inspire and care for others.“
„Here it is very important to understand, that competence, associated with a hierarchic position, can be self-claimed as well as attributed by others.“
„Acceptance of the fact that expertise need not be positively correlated to someone’s level of hierarchy became daily common practice.“
„Analysis of human failure is a core aerospace-competency.
It has shown that „Soft-Skills“ are „Hard-Skills“. The way that we manage a pertinent and adequate interaction with each other, accepting human limitations, can be the decisive factor for success or failure in any complex human endeavor.
The stories of air and space that I tell, are compelling examples for this and have a high practical value to influence our behavior in everyday life in any organization.“
Robert Schroeder
„The people and who they are and how they are, are probably as significant as all of the mechanics of our business.“
(Dr. Glynn S. Lunney, NASA Flight Director, Gemini, Apollo, Apollo-Soyuz, Space Shuttle)
Neurochirurgisches Kolloquium der Universitätsklinik Köln
Fortbildungszentrum der Landesärztekammer Hessen
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum
Gilead Sciences GmbH
Thyssen Krupp
Sauter FM GmbH
Else Kröner Forschungskolleg Würzburg
Uniklinikum Würzburg
Hamilton Medical AG
Uniklinikum Frankfurt
Feldhaus Bergbau GmbH & Co. KG
ESMT European School of Management and Technology
EXXON Mobile Deutschland GmbH
Daimler Benz
R+V Versicherungen AG
Hochschule Mainz FB Wirtschaft
Verband der Krankenhausdirektoren Deutschland
Bucerius Law School
TPS GmbH, Team Psychologie & Sicherheit
OPITZ Consulting GmbH
ASW – BW, Allianz für Sicherheit in der Wirtschaft
Landessparkasse Oldenburg
DOAG, Deutsche Oracle Anwendergruppe
Statoil Equinor
NALCO Champion
Deutscher Anwaltstag
Eberspächer Gruppe GmbH & Co. KG
Trivadis Holding AG
Informatica World Tour 2018
Boehringer Ingelheim
DGNC, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie
Business Keeper GmbH
Hochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung Bremen
FORUM – Institut für Management GmbH
OTTO Group Hamburg
Ministry of Defence, Britisches Verteidigungsministerium
CELONIS Process Mining
Eurovia GmbH
Deutscher Zahnärztetag
Robert Schroeder
Phone: +49 173 – 4076178
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